Akademia Ekonomiczno – Humanistyczna w Warszawie stała się oficjalnie częścią sieci Baltic University Programme (BUP). Jest to jedna z największych na świecie sieci uniwersyteckich zrzeszających 105 uniwersytetów, współpracująca na rzecz edukacji i badań naukowych w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju i demokracji.

Baltic University Programme jest instytucją wspierającą umiędzynarodowienie uczelni, szczególnie poprzez naukową współpracę międzynarodową i mobilność studentów i pracowników uczelni zrzeszonych w BUP.
Aktywność BUP skupia się na 10 obszarach tematycznych (https://www.balticuniv.uu.se/about-us/themes/):

  1. Climate Change
    2. Renewable Energy
    3. Sustainable Societies
    4. Sustainable Water Resources
    5. Urban-Rural Development
    6. Sustainable Mobility
    7. Circular Economy
    8. Sustainable Tourism
    9. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
    10. Sustainable Food Systems

Włączenie się do tej inicjatywy otwiera przed uczelnią nowe możliwości współpracy i wymiany międzykulturowej. To także dostęp do szerokiej gamy kursów, programów i projektów edukacyjnych oraz naukowych dla studentów i pracowników uczelni.
Koordynatorem sieci BUP w AEH jest Pan Prodziekan WNMiNoZ dr Maciej Kluz.
Zachęcamy wszystkich pracowników AEH do aktywnego włączenia się w projekty sieci BUP – szczegółowe informacje: https://www.balticuniv.uu.se/

W najbliższym czasie organizowane są następujące wydarzenia: 

International Scientific Symposium
This symposium is titled 'The Role of Universities and Research for Sustainable Regional Development’ and it will be held on 21-23 April 2024 at the Bialystok University of Technology, Poland. As a part of the Polish BUP Presidency, this event focuses on BUP colleagues, and the BUP will cover two nights’ accommodation as well as food. This event is for those who want to meet like-minded colleagues to talk about the rapid changes currently happening in our region of the world and how to prepare our students for the future. The application deadline is 17 March 2024Read more about the International Scientific Symposium.

Special BUP conference session
This session is a part of the second Scientific Conference from the series „Universities facing challenges of sustainable development” and it aims to review activities and good practices in relation to how universities are involved in the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The session will take place on 9 April 2024 between 11:45 and 13:15 online. Participation in the session is free of charge. In particular, there is an interest in the issue of creating universities as leaders in activities for sustainable development in local and regional socio-economic systems. Submit an application for conference presentations (estimated time for the presentation is approx. 15 minutes) by 22 March 2024. Passive participation in the session (without presentation) is also possible. Register to attend the special session.

The BUP Mobility Grant
The aim of the grant is to develop and strengthen cooperation among young researchers in the Baltic Sea Region by covering travel and accommodation for a research project. The awarded maximum is a total value of 3000 Euros. The grant is intended to support young scholars from BUP participating universities in their research on sustainable development. For an applicant to be eligible to receive the grant they need to have finished their PhD in the past 5 years. Read more about the Mobility Grant.

The BUP PhD Award
This award is a distinction given to the authors of what is judged to be the most qualified PhD work defended at any of the BUP participating universities. The winners will receive a prize in the form of a diploma and support of up to a maximum of 1000€ for either attending a scientific conference or publishing in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The BUP PhD Award is a way to support high-quality research promoting sustainable development in a Baltic Sea Region context. For the BUP PhD Award 2024 we accept theses defended in 2023 which are nominated by the supervisor/s of the thesis. Read more about the PhD Award.

The Research Notes Letter
We welcome colleagues to submit their abstracts to this publication which will include abstracts on some of the most recent publications concerning the Baltic Sea Region and our ten BUP themes. The abstracts presented in the Research Notes Letter are accompanied by information on authors, information on their affiliation, keywords, citations, and a link to the full paper. Read more about the Research Notes Letter.